Thursday 23 June 2011

Rush, Rush, Rush

To be honest, it has been one of those days - very busy day at work, school run which seemed to last for ever plus added into the mix, blonde 2 is making his debut in his school's play tonight so he had to be fed & back out in just under 30 minutes. So what did I do? I did manage to resist the lure of McDonalds (though that would have been SO easy even if wrong on so many levels) and decided all 3 could have their favourite foods - good idea! But now I've realised tomorrow will be a bad day in the life of blonde 3.

He loves pasta you see. It is his number one food. Pasta tossed in butter with paramasan.
Takes about 5 minutes to cook and even with his 'selective' eating, he always eats it. I forgot that I know now it will make his tummy swell up and hurt. I am so cross with myself for being so stupid - yes, I know it is a 'banned' word in this house, but that is what I was. I was so focused on getting blonde 2 to the theatre in time, everything else just slipped out of focus. This is making me wonder how on earth we are going to manage the diet change? Am I wrong in insisting that we don't all go gluten free as blonde 3 has to learn to make choices or should we all adapt, at least in the early months?

And so the debate goes on in my head, still no results, nothing to say 'this is it, get everyone tested now, let's find who else has it' and get rid of gluten.

Meanwhile, in the rest of our lives, it is fast approaching the end of the school term, so it will be manic for several weeks, with sports days, speech days, leavers days, move up days and presents to buy for teachers, to fit around work - surely not more scented candles - and, excitingly, blonde 1 starts work experience on monday working in early years at blonde 2's school. Going to be fireworks!

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