Mum - That's me, Elizabeth. I am 46 and run my own business, Jellybeans Music. I love to read, (though rarely before 11pm) and cook. In my fantasy life, I also like patchwork (although I haven't made a quilt for 15 years) and gardening (you should see the weeds!)
Dad - That's Duncan. He's also 46 and works in Local Government. He spends a lot of time on trains commuting to work,listening to 80's rock on his Ipod.
Blonde 1 - He is 15 years old and studying for his GCSEs. He is passionate about books & history (particularly Medieval History). He rarely leaves his bedroom!
Blonde 2 - He is 11 years old about to leave Primary School. He rarely stops reading and is devoted to his Nintendo DS.
Blonde 3 - He is 8 years old and the 'baby' of the family. He loves to draw and sing and read and is in the process of being diagnosed with Coeliac Disease.
We have 2 jet black cats, Bill & Ted, who are enormous being half Maine Coone and we live in rural Lincolnshire on the edge of the Fens.